Wisdom about Creatures
On the strenuous path of natural preservation, paved tirelessly by those before us with knowledge as the foundation, we face future environmental changes, advancement of research methods, international and multi-disciplinary projects, and many other new challenges. The ideologies of conservation have also evolved over time, with partners supporting one another, and the process has been exhausting, yet sweet, because all of our efforts are made for the various kinds of creatures we humans share symbiotic relationships with. As we unceasingly progress, breaking through preexisting visions, we gradually see farther and wider. Whether it is the start of deciphering the ecology of the Lemon Shark, or the practice of bird banding which has been taking place for years, the addition of new concepts and technologies will further enhance our existing abilities, allowing us to gain more strength and clarity on the path of conservation.
National Park Quarterly is an important media for 8 national parks in Taiwan to promote the achievement of wildlife conservation, environmental education and eco-tourism. Throughout the versatile contents in depth, readers around the world are more than welcome to enjoy the beauty of national parks with handpicked photographs and artistic layout.