Welcome to the world of Farm animals.
˙Look at the problem and guess, what animal is it?
˙Looking through, what is the animal behind hands and what kind of expression it?
˙Open the book, start playing and learning!
Jeff Hung, engaged in infant and child educational products and children's book design, creation, editing, translation, publishing in Taiwan.
‧曾以筆名黑白鴿、咕咕吉、洪羊、Jeff Hung發表設計、創作、翻譯作品。
‧著有「紫斑蝶」、「飛翔的魚」、「鷹揚萬里」、「雁行千里」、「協和社區管家婆」、「猜猜我是誰」、「Guess what I am?」等兒童繪本及電子書。
‧編著「迷路遇見花」、「故事 如風迴盪」2本故事文集及電子書。