
Live互動英語 [第205期] [有聲書]:圖解工具和配件









Shohei Ohtani: Baseball Star of the Century
—James Baron

Japanese baseball star Shohei Ohtani is a once-in-a-century player, the likes of whom have not been seen in Major League Baseball (MLB) since the days of Babe Ruth. In December 2017, Ohtani signed with the Los Angeles Angels, and there has been much excitement surrounding his switch from Nippon Professional Baseball (NPB) to the MLB. Ohtani is not only an unbelievably fast pitcher but also a remarkably powerful hitter. The 23-year-old is now set to become the first true two-way player since Ruth.

Even in his high school days, it was obvious Ohtani was special. In 2012, he broke the record for the fastest pitch by a Japanese high school player, throwing a 160-kph ball at the Summer Koshien, Japan’s annual high school tournament. Shortly after, he announced his intention to go straight into the MLB. However, after a long negotiation process, the Hokkaido Nippon-Ham Fighters convinced him to sign with them. In his time with the Fighters, Ohtani recorded the fastest pitch in NPB history—165 kph—and won the home run derby. In 2016, he hit the ball so hard that it went into the ceiling of the Tokyo Dome!


《 詳細內文請翻閱NO.205 5月號Live互動英語雜誌 》

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