Storytellers of National Parks
I n the classics, meanings are always expressed through the brilliant performance of storytellers who transform the original esoteric knowledge and phrases into lively and vivid words that captivate and fascinate the audience. The National Park Narrators are akin to a bridge between people and the environment. By interpreting the natural wonders and abstract cultures in the Parks using lay terms,
the narrators open up channels between the visitors and the environment. In the process, they not only impart a wealth of knowledge, but hopefully their passion and concern for the life and land can become a quiet warmth that nurtures every seed of love for the land.
National Park Quarterly is an important media for 8 national parks in Taiwan to promote the achievement of wildlife conservation, environmental education and eco-tourism. Throughout the versatile contents in depth, readers around the world are more than welcome to enjoy the beauty of national parks with handpicked photographs and artistic layout.