- 封面
- 目次
- 書名頁
- 重點導讀
- Habit 1 找到你的「為什麼」,其餘便會隨之而來
- Habit 1 Figure out your "Why" and the rest will follow
- Habit 2 別讓內在惡魔阻礙你
- Habit 2 Ban the villain within from stopping you
- Habit 3 把你的故事換成更好的版本
- Habit 3 Swap your stories for better ones
- Habit 4 找到自信然後保持自信
- Habit 4 Get confident and then stay confident
- Habit 5 製作個人的「不做」清單
- Habit 5 Make a personal "Don't Do" list
- Habit 6 學習如何從挫折中復原
- Habit 6 Learn how to bounce back from setbacks
- Habit 7 學習如何有效行銷和銷售
- Habit 7 Learn how to market and sell effectively
- Habit 8 了解別人
- Habit 8 Get to understand people
- Habit 9 在顧客說「Yes」之後照顧他們的感受
- Habit 9 Manage people's feelings after they say "Yes"
- Habit 10 不論如何都要快樂
- Habit 10 Be happy no matter what happens
- Habit 11 應用既有的最佳成功訣竅
- Habit 11 Apply the best success hacks there are
- Habit 12 養成學以致用的習慣
- Habit 12 Make it your habit to learn and do
- Habit 13 應用所有最富生產力的訣竅
- Habit 13 Apply all the best productivity hacks as well
- 延伸閱讀
- 版權頁