Introducing Margot Robbie
Curious Facts about the Capybara
Walking on the Sky in Bolivia
What Does a Cup of Tea Really Cost?
False Memories or Parallel Realities?
The Cat Came Back: Cloning Kittens in China
Making the Most of Valentine’s Day
- Live關鍵時事新聞
- 焦點話題
- UNIT 1 希臘神話 Bellerophon and Pegasus 貝烈勒豐與飛馬
- UNIT 2 動物趣聞 Curious Facts about the Capybara 「療癒系天王」水豚君
- UNIT 3 克漏字 Thinking Outside the Shipping Box 包材的減塑革命性發明
- UNIT 4 旅遊好去處 Walking on the Sky in Bolivia 走訪南美秘境——玻利維亞
- UNIT 5 生活健康 What Does a Cup of Tea Really Cost? 茶包潛藏的環境危害
- 情人節特輯
- UNIT 6 主題式會話 Making the Most of Valentine’s Day 不一樣的情人節
- 日常好用句 Look what the cat dragged in! 看誰來了啊;來了個稀客!
- UNIT 7 閱讀策略 Introducing Margot Robbie 實力與外型兼具的瑪格.羅比
- UNIT 8 環保科技 Cooling the Planet with Brighter Clouds 用白雲幫助地球降溫
- UNIT 10 趣味心理 False Memories or Parallel Realities? 曼德拉效應:錯誤記憶還是平行現實?
- 唱歌學英語 Studying English with Songs: Dance Monkey Tones and I:〈跳舞猴子〉
- UNIT 11 翻譯練習 Translation Practice 翻譯練習
- UNIT 12 應用科技 The Cat Came Back: Cloning Kittens in China 人類該不該複製寵物?
- 電影快報
- Movie Trailer English 看預告片學英文
- General English Proficiency Test 全民英檢中級模擬聽力試題
- Chinese Translation 中文翻譯
- GEPT Answer Key 全民英檢中級模擬聽力試題解答