This book collected 19 articles, including Introduction、Diplomacy, Piracy and Commerce in the Eastern Seas: The Double Standards of the K'an-ho Trading System in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries、Portuguese Trade Voyages in the Indian Ocean and Southeast Asia: A Reassessment-of the Role of Macau in the Portuguese Trade in Maritime Asia, 1500-1650、Two Rivals on an Island of Sugar. The Sugar Trade of the VOC and Overseas Chinese in Formosa in the Seventeenth Century, etc.
- LEONARD BLUSSE - Introduction
- PATRIZIA CARIOTI - Diplomacy, Piracy and Commerce in the Eastern Seas: The Double Standards of the K' an-ho Trading System in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries
- SHIGERU IKUTA - Portuguese Trade Voyages in the Indian Ocean and Southeast Asia: A Reassessment of the Role of Macau in the Portuguese Trade in Maritime Asia, 1500-1650
- YOKO NAGAZUMI - The Japanese Go-shuinjo (Vermilion Seal) Maritime Trade in Taiwan
- CYNTHIA VIALLE - Setting the Records Straight: Some Notes on the Import of Chinese Porcelain into Japan by the Dutch
- PAUL VAN DYKE-The Anglo-Dutch Fleet of Defense (1620-1622): Prelude to the Dutch Occupation of Taiwan
- EIICHI KA TO - Cheng Chih-lung, alias Iquan, and the Voe in the East and South China Seas in the First Half of the Seventeenth Century
- LEONARD BLUSSE - Bull in a China Shop, Pieter Nuyts in China and Japan (1627-1636)
- PETER KANG - A Brief Note on the Possible Factors Contributing to the Large Village Size of the Siraya in the Early Seventeenth Century
- SHUICHI NARA - Zeelandia, the Factory in the Far Eastern Trading Network of the VOC
- POL HEYNS- Land Rights in Dutch Formosa
- JOHANNES HUBER - Relations between Cheng Ch' eng-kung and the Dutch East India Company in the 1650s
- NATALIE EVERTS & WOUTER MILDE - 'We Thanked God for Submitting Us to Such Sore but Supportable Trials, Hendrick Noorden and His Long Road to Freedom
- JOHN E. WILLS, JR - The Dutch Reoccupation of Chi-lung 1664-1668
- DHIRAVAT NA POMBEJRA - The Dutch-Siamese Conflict of 1663-1664: A Reassessment
- JOSE EUGENIO BORAO MATEO - Fleets, Relief Ships and Trade. Communications between Manila and Jilong, 1626-1642
- Contributors