──羅伯.羅森伯格(Robert Rosenberg)Dunkin' Donuts前執行長
- 封面
- 目次
- 書名頁
- 重點導讀
- Rule 1 穩定是假,變動才是常態
- Rule 1 Stability is a myth, Change is a constant
- Rule 2 鬆開控制反而成就更多
- Rule 2 You achieve more if you're not in control
- Rule 3 和諧共鳴來自多元聲音
- Rule 3 Harmony requires contrast and many voices
- Rule 4 先說好,再想辦法
- Rule 4 Say "Yes" and figure it out as you go along
- Rule 5 把握別人創造的機會
- Rule 5 Seize the opportunities created by others
- Rule 6 專注很好,但也要創新
- Rule 6 Focus is good but you also must innovate
- Rule 7 職稱不等於「你是誰」
- Rule 7 Don't link your identity to your label
- Rule 8 唯有雙贏才能永續成長
- Rule 8 Only a win-win approach sustains growth
- Rule 9 擁抱非你所願的改變
- Rule 9 Embrace options not of your own choosing
- Rule 10 專精雖好,但非絕對必要
- Rule 10 Mastery is fine, but it's not 100% necessary
- 延伸閱讀
- 版權頁