Official as teacher:an investigation on the newly excavated document of legalist school in Qin China


並列題名:以吏為師 : 新出土法家教材新探

其他題名:An investigation on the newly excavated document of legalist school in Qin China

作者:by Wen Ru Jia(溫如嘉)、Cheung Wai Po(張偉保)


出版社:Lin Cing-Jhang Distributed by WAN JUAN LOU BOOKS CO., Ltd.


集叢名:The New Asia Arts and Business Academic Series:1707001




分類:文學評論  英文書  SDG16 和平、正義及健全制度  

In this book, under the historical-educational perspective, a group of teaching materials of Pre-Qin was certainly taught. e content of the teaching materials of Pre-Han was varied including legal documents, literacy, mathematics and ethical documents and so on.
The basic tone of the education system of Pre-Han changed into learning Law as the propriety educational target. Legalist school played the key role for educational policies making, determined who to learn, what to learn, and how to learn. e guiding educational policies made by legalist’s school were: “Burning the Shi 《詩》and the Shu 《書》to clarify the Law” and “Official as teacher”. e educational policy developed a huge impact for the education system in ancient China.

Wen Ru Jia(溫如嘉,First author)
Obtained full-scholarship of faculty of Education of Macau University during her Ph.D. period, the author nished her Ph.D. thesis in 01-2020. She earned a MA degree in Law in 2015 and had edited 7 monographs and published several journal papers since 2012. e author is diligently working on the related research, hoping it would discover more detail of the history, so that the present education reality would have a reection for further understanding through it.
Cheung Wai Po(張偉保,Second author)
I was born in Hong Kong in 1959. I had earned two Ph.d degrees in 1994 and 2004 respectively. I had published 11 books and about 50+ journal papers.

  • 總序 楊永漢
  • Abstract
  • Chapter Eight Conclusion
  • Bibliography
  • 後記