「這是一本談論商場上精采對戰的痛快讀物。不管你是擔心知名的 競爭對手,或是隱而未現的顛覆者;或是對於創辧人、策略家以及企業的命運感到著迷,這本書集結了熱門播客節目的精華,既富學習價值又樂趣十足。」
──亞當.格蘭特(Adam Grant),華頓商學院教授
「這是一本談論商場上精采對戰的痛快讀物。不管你是擔心知名的 競爭對手,或是隱而未現的顛覆者;或是對於創辧人、策略家以及企業的命運感到著迷,這本書集結了熱門播客節目的精華,既富學習價值又樂趣十足。」
──亞當.格蘭特(Adam Grant),華頓商學院教授
- 封面
- 目次
- 書名頁
- 重點導讀
- Principle 1 多算勝,少算不勝
- Principle 1 Do many calculations lead to victory, and few calculations to defeat
- Principle 2 兵貴勝,不貴久
- Principle 2 Let your great object be victory, not lengthy campaigns
- Principle 3 不戰而屈人之兵
- Principle 3 Breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting
- Principle 4 立于不敗之地
- Principle 4 Positioning your business in a position which makes defeat impossible
- Principle 5 攻其不戒
- Principle 5 Attack unguarded spots
- Principle 6 避實擊虛
- Principle 6 Avoid what is strong and strike at what is weak
- Principle 7 發火有時,起火有日
- Principle 7 There is a proper season for making attacks with fire
- Principle 8 上下同欲者勝
- Principle 8 He will win whose army is animated by the same spirit throughout all its ranks
- Principle 9 兵無常勢
- Principle 9 There are no constant conditions in warfare
- 延伸閱讀
- 版權頁