──詹姆斯.索恩(James Thorne),Quirk Growth人資長
──詹姆斯.索恩(James Thorne),Quirk Growth人資長
- 封面
- 目次
- 書名頁
- 重點導讀
- Competency 0 你必須知道事業如何運作
- Competency 0 You have to know how a business really works
- Competency 1 你必須成為明確且具有說服力的領導者
- Competency 1 You need to be a clear & compelling leader
- Competency 2 你個人必須很有生產力
- Competency 2 You must be personally productive
- Competency 3/4 你必須了解經營策略和傳達訴求
- Competency 3/4 You must understand business strategy and messaging
- Competency 5 你必須了解如何打造行銷活動
- Competency 5 You need to understand how to build a marketing campaign
- Competency 6 你必須是個優秀的溝通者
- Competency 6 You must be a great communicator
- Competency 7 你必須知道如何銷售
- Competency 7 You need to know how to sell
- Competency 8 你必須非常擅長談判
- Competency 8 You need to become highly skilled at negotiation
- Competency 9 你必須擅長管理人員
- Competency 9 You must be a good people manage
- Competency 10 你必須知道如何落實執行
- Competency 10 You need to know how to get things done
- 延伸閱讀
- 版權頁