NO.851 隔壁百萬富翁 原來有錢人都這麼做!|中英對照
The Millionaire Next Door
The Surprising Secrets of America's Wealth
湯瑪斯.J.史丹利Thomas J. Stanley
威廉.D.丹柯William D. Danko
NO.851 隔壁百萬富翁 原來有錢人都這麼做!|中英對照
The Millionaire Next Door
The Surprising Secrets of America's Wealth
湯瑪斯.J.史丹利Thomas J. Stanley
威廉.D.丹柯William D. Danko
- 封面
- 目次
- 書名頁
- 重點導讀
- Introduction 誰是有錢人?
- Introduction Who are the wealthy?
- Trait 1 他們的生活方式保守,量入為出,會把結餘拿去投資。
- Trait 1 They have conservative lifestyles, spending less than they earn and investing the balance.
- Trait 2 他們分配資源──時間、金錢、精力──十分有效率。
- Trait 2 They are efficient in allocating resources - time, money and energy.
- Trait 3 他們相信財務獨立比展現社會地位更加重要。
- Trait 3 They place a higher priority on financial independence than on social status.
- Trait 4 他們的父母並沒有提供經濟後盾,他們是靠自己努力。
- Trait 4 Their parents did not provide significant financial assistance but they made it on their own efforts.
- Trait 5 他們會教育家庭成員在經濟上自給自足。
- Trait 5 They teach their own family members to become economically self sufficient.
- Trait 6 他們專注新興市場的機會──例如為其他富裕家庭提供產品和服務。
- Trait 6 They focus on emerging market opportunities - such as providing products and services to other affluent households.
- Trait 7 他們選擇能夠成為自營業的職業。
- Trait 7 They choose an occupation in which they can become self employed.
- 延伸閱讀
- 版權頁