《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》為英國著名作家路易斯·卡羅最有名的兒童文學作品,本書自 1865 年問世之後,便屢屢成為文學排行榜上的常客,成為大人及小孩都喜愛的奇幻作品。故事開展於小女孩愛麗絲經由掉入兔子洞而來到了奇幻仙境,除了碰到許多會說話的動物,她也跟一些奇妙的角色交手,更讓自己身形變大變小,在奇幻仙境盡情展開屬於她的冒險。這些冒險只是單純夢境嗎?還是真正發生過呢?跟著愛麗絲,讓我們一同一窺仙境的奧秘吧!
Falling down a rabbit hole, a curious girl, Alice meets the craziest and funniest people full of nonsense: a smiling cat, a pipe-smoking caterpillar, and a Queen always ordering her guards to cut off people's heads. As she begins her unexpected adventure in Wonderland, Alice finds...
- Chapter 1 Down the Rabbit-Hole
- Chapter 2 The Pool of Tears
- Chapter 3 A Caucus-Race and a Long Tale
- Chapter 4 The Rabbit Sends in a Little Bill
- Chapter 5 Advice from a Caterpillar
- Chapter 6 Pig and Pepper
- Chapter 7 A Mad Tea-Party
- Chapter 8 The Queen’s Croquet-Ground
- Chapter 9 The Mock Turtle’s Story
- Chapter 11 Who Stole the Tarts?
- Chapter 10 The Lobster Quadrille
- Chapter 12 Alice’s Evidence