在撒哈拉沙漠中迫降的飛行員,與從B-612星球來的小王子不可思議地巧遇。小王子住在一個只有房子般的大小的星球上,星球上有兩座活火山、一座死火山,還有一朵美麗的玫瑰花。有一天他和他珍愛的玫瑰花鬧彆扭,於是賭氣離開故鄉到各星球旅行 ,想找一個可以談心的對象 。但在其他星球上碰到的卻都是些舉止奇怪可厭的大人 。直到小王子來到地球………
The Little Prince is a charming, brilliantly witty and beautifully illustrated classis of 20th century world literature. The author tells the story of a meeting with a little prince from another planet, who has made an extraordinary voyage around the universe meeting an array of grown-ups who all think they are very important. “Grown-ups are certainly very odd, “says the Little Prince to himself, trying to understand their reasoning. During his visit to Earth, the Little prince meets and becomes friends with a fox. It is through this friendship that he begins to understand the most important thing about life.