勇者的黃昏 Master Ip Man (中英雙語版 Chinese-English Bilingual Edition)


其他題名:The hero's twilight 詠春, 一代宗師葉問一段鮮為人知的故事淒美浪漫 扣人心弦 詠春一代宗師葉問一段鮮為人知的故事淒美浪漫扣人心弦 詠春1代宗師葉問1段鮮為人知的故事淒美浪漫扣人心弦 Master Ip man

作者:威文(Raymond Ho)著


出版社:紅出版 (青森文化)













This book tells the story of the grandmaster of Wing Chun in his later years in Hong Kong, weaving a tale of a twilight romance.

In the post-war era, it was not easy to establish oneself in a society that was experiencing rapid changes in various industries. In the early years of the Republic of China, he was a typical second-generation rich kid, born into wealth. He lived a carefree life and never had to worry about making a living before the age of forty. However, in 1950, at the age of fifty-seven, he unexpectedly had to teach martial arts to make a living in Hong Kong. This was beyond his expectations. Over the course of twenty-two years in Hong Kong, he experienced the ups and downs of life, tasting the sourness, sweetness, bitterness, saltiness, and spiciness of life, and witnessed how a brave person can be reborn from the fire. His first job was teaching Wing Chun at a hotel association.

During the difficult years, the appearance of a woman from Shanghai and a chivalrous act of heroism led to an extraordinary love story of two people with a significant age difference. Both of them were wanderers in the world, supporting each other on the journey of life. Just as they were about to start a new family, they faced opposition from their disciples, which strained their relationship. After struggling hard, they lost everything overnight, and their livelihood was on the verge of collapse. At this critical moment, their love bore fruit, but whether it brought sadness or joy was uncertain. However, with the support of colleagues from the Kowloon Motor Bus Company, they were able to see a glimmer of hope in their lives.

In the mid-1960s, their two sons came to Hong Kong, and in their old age, they were accompanied by their three sons. What more could they ask for as a gift from heaven? But good times don't last forever, and at this moment, their companion in adversity was taken away by cancer. Their twilight romance, which left an indelible mark on their hearts, brought forth a deeply moving story filled with both sadness and infinite sorrow.

Teaching Wing Chun in Hong Kong and seeing it flourish around the world, they created the legend of Wing Chun.

威文 Raymond Ho


The author, in his youth, was influenced by Bruce Lee's movies while in Hong Kong. He initially learned Taekwondo following Bruce Lee's martial arts path but switched to studying Wing Chun Kung Fu after four years. However, due to frequent overtime work at the factory, he had to stop his martial arts training after a short period of time. Later on, when the factory relocated, his workload decreased, and he rekindled his interest in martial arts during his free time, including various Chinese martial arts and Karate. It was not until the release of the movie "Ip Man" in 2008 that he started learning Wing Chun again, this time under the tutelage of Yip Man's eldest son, Sifu Ip Chun, and he has been studying Wing Chun ever since.
  • 序言 Preface
  • 第一章 別了家園 Chapter 1: Farewell to Home
  • 第二章 重臨香江 Chapter 2 Return to Fragrant Harbor
  • 第三章 在港首徒 Chapter 3: First Disciples in Hong Kong
  • 第四章 教拳生涯 Chapter 4: Martial Arts Journey
  • 第五章 儆惡懲奸 Chapter 5: Deter Evil and Punish Treachery
  • 第六章 紅顏知己 Chapter 6: Intimate Female Friend
  • 第七章 祝融肆虐 Chapter 7 - Zhurong's Rampage
  • 第八章 師徒反目 Chapter 8: Teacher and Disciple Become Enemies
  • 第九章 牛衣對泣 Chapter Nine: Bull and Clothing Weep
  • 第十章 柳暗花明 Chapter Ten: A Glimmer of Hope
  • 第十一章 老年得子 Chapter Eleven: The Birth of an Elderly Son
  • 第十二章 雁行折翼 Chapter Twelve: Geese Formation with Broken Wings
  • 後記 Epilogue