飢餓遊戲 自由幻夢
Harry Potter Arrives in Florida and Japan
A Terrific Turkey Day Parade
- UNIT 1 Which currency is the most valuable? 哪種貨幣最值錢?
- UNIT 2 Movember: The Month of the Moustache 男人健康月―鬍鬚「彰」!
- UNIT 3 Time to Get in Shape One more,Two more,好健康
- UNIT 4 Harry Potter Arrives in Florida and Japan 麻瓜福音:哈利波特樂園
- UNIT 5 Squanto: The Pilgrims’ Hero 史廣多―英國清教徒的救難英雄!
- UNIT 6 Reasons to Love the Pomegranate 水果界的紅寶石─石榴
- UNIT 7 Rubik’s Cube: It’s So Simple That It’s Complicated 魔術方塊―簡單中的不簡單
- UNIT 8 A Terrific Turkey Day Parade 梅西百貨感恩節大遊行
- UNIT 9 Meet the Wangs: Grandpa Saves Thanksgiving 王家這一家—爺爺竟是總舖師!
- TOEIC 職場英語 Calling In Sick to Work 打電話請病假
- GEPT 必勝教室 Writing 寫作篇