MISS KO Taiwan’s First Female Rapper
Giving Taiwan Back
Its Oceans
Chocolate-Covered Stick
- A+ Spirit 靈魂人物 UNIT 1 Miss Ko: Taiwan’s First Female Rapper 饒舌界的鄧麗君:葛仲珊
- A+ Encyclopedia 知識庫 UNIT 2 Feel the Burn 燃燒的舌尖
- Comics 漫畫劇場 UNIT 3 Meet the Wangs : A Catfight 女人何苦為難女人
- Literature 故事館 UNIT 4 The Prince from Another Planet 《 小王子》
- Picture Dictionary 圖解單字 UNIT 5 Talking, Texting, Technology 跟著智慧手機變聰明
- Gallery 藝文新鮮事 UNIT 6 Liang Gen: Painting Life in Taiwan 良根:台灣風情畫
- Listening Classroom 英聽練習室 UNIT 7 Giving Taiwan Back Its Oceans 環島.還島
- How To? 怎麼辦? UNIT 8 How to Have A Good Sense of Humor 你今天笑了嗎?
- Food 食尚玩家 UNIT 9 Pocky: The Chocolate- Covered Stick Pocky:不溶你手的巧克力棒
- Science 科學新知 UNIT 10 Strandbeests: A New Form of Life 仿生獸:生命新面貌
- GEPT 必勝教室 Writing 寫作篇