Books Are the Future!國際童書節
The Panda Is Back!熊貓回來了!
Meet the Lil BUB 網路紅貓Lil BUB
- UNIT 1 A New Fruit in Taiwan 驚奇新水果
- UNIT 2 Books Are the Future! 國際童書節
- UNIT 3 Welcome to My House 歡迎來我家!
- TOEIC 職場英語 Going through Immigration 入境通關沒煩惱
- UNIT 4 Meet the Wangs: A Day without Parents 王家這一家:家裡沒大人!
- UNIT 5 The Band of Animals 不萊梅的動物樂團
- UNIT 6 Beauty in the Mountains 海芋-來自春天的訊息
- UNIT 7 Meet Lil BUB 網路紅貓 Lil BUB
- UNIT 8 Why Is There a Table on My Pizza? 披薩盒中的小桌子
- UNIT 9 How to Fight Stage Fright? 教你上台不緊張
- UNIT 10 Delicious Macaroni and Cheese 美式家常菜:起司通心麵
- GEPT 必勝教室 Speaking 口說篇